How to Blown a Job Interview.....
If you are
currently looking for a job then you probably already understand the importance
of the job interview, if you fail this part of the hiring process then the
chances are severely decreased. However, even if you have blown the job
interview there are still some things that you can do in order to recover and
possibly still even get the job!
We are taught that
first impressions are by far the most important, but this isn't always the
case. If you have blown your interview one of the easiest and most effective
ways you can turn everything around is by messaging the employer, explaining
the situation, and asking for a second interview so you can really demonstrate
your skills and prove that you can be a valuable addition to the company!
This might work or
it might not, it completely depends on the person who was interviewing you and
what their mood was like on that particular day.
One of the most
important things to keep in mind is to always be respectful, this doesn't just
apply to job interviews but should apply to everyday situations in which you
are interacting with people.
There could be
numerous reasons for why you think you have blown your job interview, such as
turning up late, stuttering and stumbling when answer questions, not being able
to answer the questions, saying something that you shouldn't have said, and the
list goes on and on!
You might be able
to recover slightly be showing respect after the incident has occurred, if you
are willing to talk with the employer then make sure to leave a short message
explaining that you would like to apologize for your behaviour - and always
thank the interviewer for their time.
Unfortunately there
isn't always a lot that you can do if you have blown a job interview, we have
described some general steps above but you might be able to come up with some
additional steps that are more specific to your own interview.
If you have blown a job interview and don't believe that you are going
to be able to recover from this, don't worry! The best thing to do is to learn
from the situation, think about what went wrong and how you can improve for the
next interview. Look at this situation as a positive instead of a more ..........
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